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Paulina Gorazd-Dziuban:
Sacred Romanesque Architecture of Knights Hospitaller in the Polish Lands

Gorazd-Dziuban, P. 2018. „Sacred Romanesque Architecture of Knights Hospitaller in the Polish Lands.“ Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni 10 (2–3): 35–52.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24132/actaff.2018.10.2-3.2

The Romanesque Knights Hospitaller’s churches on the Polish Lands are only a fracture of the catalogue of the medieval architecture. Despite their small contribution to the history of the Church, they are extraordinary elements of the rich history of the Piast State. The paper will be based on historical studies on the history of the Order of Hospitallers; both in the Holy Land and, above all, in the Polish lands. The supplement will be research in the field of archeology concerning the main architecture, particular elements of which became the basis of developing the topic of Romanesque churches belonging to the Knights of St. John. The results of the research allow, to a large extent, to supplement and verify information about specific churches based on historical context. As a result, the presentation of the chosen churches mainly in Silesia and Pomerania will be based on the development of their original shape. These are used to present the development of endowment, their worship, ideological links and the functioning of the church as a temple in secular space. The presentation of the expansion of medieval culture of the Maltese Order allows a better understanding of their modest contribution to the development of Romanesque sacred constructions.

Key words
medieval architecture, Romanesque churches, hospitals, Knights Hospitallers, Templar Knights, Poland Kingdom, Silesia

