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Zdeněk Rod:
Konceptualizace bezpečnostně-rozvojového nexu: současné interpretace a kritika

Rod, Z. 2023. „Konceptualizace bezpečnostně-rozvojového nexu: současné interpretace a kritika.“ Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni / West Bohemian Review of Social Sciences & Humanities 15 (1–2): 3–22.

Received 21 September 2023 / Accepted 23 October 2023 / Published 31 December 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24132/actaff.2023.15.1-2.2

The security-development nexus (SDN) has gained prominence in international relations since the 1990s, undergoing significant theoretical and practical transformations in conflict resolution. It is generally viewed as a relationship between security and development, with two primary perspectives: one where security precedes development and another where they progress hand in hand. The SDN's theoretical foundations have been translated into practical policies, emphasizing human security and post-conflict reconstruction. However, it faces criticism from those who argue that security and development are inherently incompatible. In response to the diverse and contentious debate surrounding SDN, this paper aims to provide Czech scholars and students of International Relations and Security Studies with a comprehensive overview. It synthesizes the core arguments of international relations scholars across various theoretical and cultural backgrounds and practice-oriented literature. The article examines how recent discussions have shaped the SDN concept and highlights key author differences. Over the past three decades, the SDN has evolved dynamically and offers valuable insights into resolving past and ongoing armed conflicts. Additionally, the article discusses the security-development nexus in the Czech academic context, which has been largely absent, with only a few exceptions.

Key words
security, development, security-development nexus, conflict resolution, critiques, state-of-the-art-review

